Free Devotionals
Move your mouse to "Click Here" and download a PDF file with a week's worth of devotions. Each day will provide you with a portion of Scripture to read, a devotional thought, questions to ponder, suggested prayers, and possible action steps.
Personal Devotions
Family Devotions
The Games We Play -- Part 2
Have you ever played The Blame Game? It’s the one where you do something wrong, but instead of taking responsibility for your actions, you excuse, blame, and deflect. Meanwhile, instead of finding healing and forgiveness, we find our relationships with God and others are suffering.

The Games We Play - Part 2
“I didn’t do it!” “It’s not my fault!” “I don’t know what happened!” All common phrases used in The Blame Game. Kids are experts at this game, so we need to teach them (through word and example) that taking responsibility, seeking forgiveness, and restoring relationships is a much better game to play.