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Free Devotionals


Move your mouse to "Click Here" and  download a PDF file with a week's worth of devotions. Each day will provide you with a portion of Scripture to read, a devotional thought, questions to ponder, suggested prayers, and possible action steps.

Personal Devotions

Family Devotions

The Games We Play -- Part 1

Not unlike most four year-olds, we adults like play “pretend.” We pretend that stress, worry, and burdens don’t affect us and life is just fine. When, in reality, that is not the case. Indeed, life would be much better if we started to play “Be Honest” instead.

The Games We Play -- Part 2

Have you ever played The Blame Game? It’s the one where you do something wrong, but instead of taking responsibility for your actions, you excuse, blame, and deflect. Meanwhile, instead of finding healing and forgiveness, we find our relationships with God and others are suffering.

Grow in Christ

What does it take to get more of Christ, to become more like Him? It's not as hard as you think, but it does take some effort on your part. Start that effort today! Click the button and begin a six day journey. You'll be glad you did!

Live in Community

The Christian life was not meant to be lived alone. God desires to use people to touch and bless your life, while also using you to touch and bless others. Click the button and begin a six day study. Learn to live effectively in community.


We humans are full of issues and problems. Life seeks to pull us down, and we find ourselves sinking too often to count. Yet, in Christ, there is hope, joy, strength, and life in abundance!

Hostage to Worry

Worry. It is something that gnaws at all of us. The devil loves to whisper in our ears, telling us everything that we need to worry about. Don't buy into the lies! God is greater. God is in control!

Hostage to Anger

The Bible says to be angry but sin not. For most us, however, that is NOT an easy verse to follow! Anger builds within us, turning to bitterness, hurt feelings, and damaged relationships.

Hostage to Lies

In John 8, Jesus aptly calls the devil a liar and the father of lies. We know this to be true, as he incessantly whispers his lies in our ears. As we noted in "Hostage to Worry," don't buy into the lies!


Not a Fan

Being a follower doesn’t mean that you go to church every week, slap a Jesus fish on the back of your car, and give to charity. That’s what a fan does. What a follower of Jesus does is die to themselves each and every moment of the day. Are you a fan or a follower?



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The Games We Play - Part 1

Kids are good at playing Hide-N-Seek. They hide their emotions, their struggles, their hurts, and more. It is important that we parents seek out our children and give them the chance to open up and release their cares to us…and to the Lord.

The Games We Play - Part 2

“I didn’t do it!” “It’s not my fault!” “I don’t know what happened!” All common phrases used in The Blame Game. Kids are experts at this game, so we need to teach them (through word and example) that taking responsibility, seeking forgiveness, and restoring relationships is a much better game to play.

Be Like Jesus

Designed for parents to do around the dinner tabel with elementary and pre-teen children. What does it mean to be like Jesus? Take your kids on a six-day adventure to understand who they are in Christ.


Live Like Family

Designed for parents to do around the dinner table with elementary and pre-teen children. Help your kids understand what it means to live in community with others. Another six day journey awaits!


Life can be hard for kids today with so many temptations and distractions to lead them away from what really matters in life.  Spend a week reminding your family that new life, real life,  and renewed life comes through Jesus!


Kids, pre-teens, and teens can be filled with worry. Life can be scary. And without the emotional resources to deal with every day struggles,  kids can be overcome by anxiousness. Let your family know that Jesus is there and can see them through!



Emotional outbursts, temper tantrums, and angry tirades--kids can have all of the above. Anger is a difficult emotion to manage, even for adults. Help your family understand what the Bible has to say about this.


The devil is always working to lead our children away from the Lord. His biggest weapons are lies and deceit. The best way to combat that is with God's truth! Help your kids invest in God's Word--the ultimate truth!

Fan of Follower?

Many children join fan-clubs. By paying some dues, they  get a badge, some inside access, and a special password for a website. Because of this, kids can be tempted to  think of Christianity as a fan-club for Jesus. But it is MUCH more than that!


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