Time to Start Changing the World
Psalm 11:3 asks an important question for our day and age. If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? That’s a great...

Seek More than Sticker Chart Success
Life in our culture conditions us to achieve. We go to school as kids and work to get stars on our papers and behavior charts. We join...

What's Your Motivation?
When a young Scottish woman, named Mary Slessor, discovered the need for missionaries in Africa, she excitedly signed up. Mary had often...

My Rant on Church Relevance
Welcome to my rant on relevance. I think I am at my limit with all the talk about the church needing to be relevant. Sure, some of this...

What My Dream of Visiting Australia Taught Me about Life
You know, I’ve always had this dream about going to Australia. Australia seems like it would be an awesome place to me. The way the...

Hmm...What's that Now?
Biblically questionable lyric of the week -- from Hawk Nelson: "Oh, you're working way too hard! And this perfection you're chasing, is...

Be Extraordinary in 2017
Late December and early January is the time of year when many make those famous New Year’s resolutions. Sadly, statistics show that only...

The Awesomeness of God -- Part 2
In the Bible, the Hebrew word for “awesome” is used over 370 times in the Old Testament—and the majority of the time, it is referring to...

The Awesomeness of God -- Part 1
The word “awesome” has been around a long time in our culture. Other words have come along and worked to supplant “awesome,” but those...

Great is His Faithfulness
Excerpt from Light in the Storm The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time,...