Christ-Centered Christmas -- Day 14
In his book, Christmas is not Your Birthday, Mike Slaughter shares the story of a friend who writes, “The Christmas when my dad left our family was a very sad Christmas. I was about six years old. My aunts and extended family went out of their way to see we still had presents and a Christmas tree. While grateful for the gifts, it was not the presents under the tree that stuck in my mind. Instead, it was the lesson I learned…that God can and will help you get through the dark times in life.”
You do not need me to tell you that life gets messy. But in the midst of our mess, God shows up! No matter what you are going through or what you are struggling to overcome, God promises to show up. Just as God entered into a dark and imperfect world that first Christmas, so He will enter into our dark times as well.
Joseph was struggling with the news of his fiancé’s pregnancy knowing that he was not the father. How did God show up in the midst of this tough situation?
Power-hungry Herod was looking to wipe out all the children under the age of two, how did God show up for Joseph and Mary?
How have you seen God enter into the dark moments of your life and show you a way into the light?
How can you be a light pointing people to Jesus this Christmas?
Thank God for showing up when things get messy and dark
Confess to God, if necessary, trying to find your own way out of dark situations instead of trusting in Him
Ask God to shine brightly that you may be guided by His light
Ask God to bless those who need His special touch
Hand over any struggles to the Lord right now. Allow Him to go to work
Is there anyone you know struggling this holiday season? Let them know they are not alone. Pick up the phone and call, or send them a card