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Christ-Centered Christmas -- Christmas Eve

It has been said that the worst kind of fool is the person who believes God exists but lives life without taking Him seriously. If you have been dutifully going through this devotional, I doubt you would classify yourself as such a fool.

However, it is very easy to say we love God with our mouths while we show that we just love ourselves with our actions. This is the beauty of Christmas. It is a fantastic time to recalibrate and to remind ourselves what it means to really love.

Though we did not deserve it, God sent His Son as a tiny infant that first Christmas so that He could redeem, restore, and heal. That is the love we celebrate at Christmas. And it is the love we should be showing to the Lord and others all year round.


As you prepare to celebrate Christmas Day, is God’s love at the center of that celebration?

What can you do to make sure that Christ stays at the center of your Christmas celebration?

How can you live out your love for God all year round?

How can you live out your love for others all year round?


  • Thank Jesus for coming that first Christmas to redeem a broken world, restore broken homes, and heal broken hearts

  • Confess to God, if necessary, losing sight of Christ as the center of Christmas

  • Ask God to use you to bless others in the coming year

  • Ask God to use you to glorify Him in the coming year


  • Talk with your family about how to keep Christ first on this day...and every day

  • Make sure to attend a Christmas Eve service at a Bible believing church

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