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Masterpiece in the Making

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. ~ Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

One day, a potter went to grab a hunk of clay to begin working with it. As he grabbed it, the clay amazingly began to speak. “Do not touch me!” yelled the grayish lump. “I have seen what you’ve done to my friends, and I want no part of it!”

“What do you mean?” asked the potter.

“First, you grab us and throw us onto that hard wheel. Then you spin us around and around and around. If that is not bad enough, you douse us with water and dig your hands deep into us. It looks like torture! And when you are done with that torture, you throw us into a burning fire for hour upon hour. I say again, I don’t want any of that!”

“Oh, my little friend,” the potter started gently, “You are not the creator I am. If you knew the purpose of all of that, you would gladly submit to the wheel. For through it all, I am making a masterpiece!”

Going throug a difficult time right now? Don't retreat!

Stay strong and let God us your trials and struggles to mold you into something awesome!

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